i just came back from the expo food fare. so much things to eat. so full. stomachache. waaaahh. haha. later, i'll go parkway to get stuff, hopefully that mini toons bag. the weekend has just been tres' ben which is terrific in french. pulled joey to go to the treetop walk with me on saturday. but what a day! first joey's handphone was stolen in the night along with over $200+ missing from her mother's wallet. she's super upset over it. but i ask why does the thief want a dumb handphone? it's not even a new model, it's a pretty old one. moreover, it's second-hand one. but then we will never know some things in life...despite the bad start, the treetop walk was beautiful. but very very tiring. had to walk 10 km leh! joey enjoyed seeing the animals. i knew it was best to take her along instead of reggie or cheryl or something. she's the one who really loves and appreciates nature. then she came back my house to swim. after at night, i went to parkway with my parents to collect some massage thing for my dad. walked around parkway until 10++ pm.founder's day on friday was really nice. mass and everything. i just love the mass songs. there's a nice tune to it. but too bad they didn't sing me and cheryl's fave hymn which is in moments like this. bleh. in moments like this. i sing out a song. i sing out a love song to jesus. lalala~ after me, reggie and cheryl went parkway for lunch. i have no idea why but those two are super choosy esp reggie. she didn't even want to try the restuarant beside the food court. well, neither did i but only because i didn't like korean food. =)) so we had swensens which was super expensive. i paid $30++ for two meals, two cocoas and a coke. like wow. i wanted to go sakae sushi but those two didn't and i even had to tell a little white lie to them so i didn't need to eat kfc. haha. i just can't stand fast food. we spent the whole afternoon taking pictures, well trying to take them. it was super fun. =))well, that's all for now! i just can't wait to go perth!-su rin
1:21 pm;
Still waiting for you-
ahhh. got back report books today! so great right? yea. it's great. my results are great! everything is great! wahaha. today only got time for short post unfortunately.today went great as usual. haha. total lameness. i got a high position in the whole lvl! *hint hint* haha. yea. i'm happy! i passed my chinese with a b4! haha. tomorow is the founder's day thing. i like the hymn in moments like these. i can't get that tune outta my head! lalala~ haha. it has such a nice tune. haha.then had choir. like we learnt two new songs! joy joy. haha. friends are for and a disney song. awwww... anyway, i gotta go watch american idol already!BYE NOW!-su rin
8:07 pm;
Still waiting for you-
you are confusing me. first you say you like me. then you say you hate me. you ignore and hurt me. then you talk to me like there was never anything wrong. tell me truthfully. tell me now. tell me whether you still wanna be friends. to tell the truth. i never really liked you. you were too noisy. too irritating. you were one of them. i was one of those. fate brought us together last year. but i still found you irritating. now we are enemies/friends?haha. i felt like writing some weird sentimental poem like thing for once. instead of my day went like this and like that. blah blah. =) but my day was pretty boring. had homec that was fun. =) me, cheryl and natesha had to do a skit about fat-soluble vitamins which came out lame as usual cos' i always laugh. hehe. then got hymn singing. me and cheryl kept irritating joey throughout the whole thing. wahaha. i love to irritate joey. her reaction is very very funny. haha.anyway, i gotta go now. go and scream at my sis somemore for eating my toblerone. =) i'm so mean. got choir tomorow. until 6pm. that is if mr liew not tired or anything. ciao!-su rin
3:50 pm;
Still waiting for you-
i had to be sick today. friday is my fave day. there's music to look forward to. and it's the last day of the school week, so i can relax and enjoy. what's more, i'm still not sure about the family day thing. i just came back from the doctor and i found out that i had gastric. so wonderful isn't it? i didn't even catch a wink of sleep the whole of yesterday night.yesterday was okay. had choir but it turned out to be pretty boring. all we did was to listen to mr liew read out judges' comments on our syf performance and talk about jc. we got off early at 4pm. 2 hours earlier. results wasn't so bad. i got a b3 in lit. so far, there are only a's and b's in my report card. and the lowest as usual is chinese, b4. stupid cheryl beat me for lit, she always does. i was having such a nice day, beating her at everything until lit. ahhhhh...i wonder how family day will be like. tomorow family day and i just can't wait for it! i wanna see all the stores. i wanna buy loads of stuff tomorow! i wanna play all the games [as if]. i wonder whether i'll see mrs ortega or something.anyway, i gotta take my medicine already! ciao!-su rin
1:01 pm;
Still waiting for you-
wow! results day today, and it was like so scary. we got back dNt, geog [sect b and c only] and chinese! let me tell you a little secret just between you and me kay? psst...... psst...... psst...... I PASSED MY CHINESE!!!! yayness! hoping for an ipod but i dount that my parents would give it to me. they will probably say something like, "yea, in five years' time when the price goes down" or sth. in five years' time i'll be eighteen and i can buy my own one already lorhx!but still...... i'm proud of myself for having achieved a b4 in chinese. haha. dNt was pretty okay. geog was funny for once. can you believe that mrs siva gave me short of 20 marks?!?! i mean 1 or 2 is fine but 20?!?! so unbelievable! haha.we went for a briefing for family day during pc. it was so boring i could sleep sitting. like yah. (:i went for the emdd meeting after school and heard the recording thing. the song was so nice... (: really. i wish i had the cd then i can rip it into the comp and listen to it everyday! haha. the lyrics was something about friendship. i love the tune. abit on the high side though. i wish i could go for the recording. but alas it is not for me! just a measly junior! LOL. that's okay though. i've been recording before. for the together song at kcp. no big thing there. in fact it was like choir practice in an enclosed area with headphones and alot less ppl. haha.after the meeting, i went 7eleven and bought toblerone and gulp. and i was so dumb i forgot to eat my chocolate and left it in my cupboard which my sister found. so lucky she didn't eat it. (:ate dinner, had tuition and did nothing the rest of the night. now i'm writing this. so now i'm gonna watch teevee! quick! before my sister gets the remote! haha. ciao!-su rin
10:07 pm;
Still waiting for you-
today was just so fun! i went for cip at the library and had to wear school uniform. just as it is it turned out that guides was having a farewell party for their seniors and two of the girls came on my bus! god knows what they were thinking when i didn't get off at the kc bus stop. haha. i'm too self-concious liao. haha.i did my cip amazingly fast today! 1 whole cart, two sides with all three shelves full, in 1 hour! even me, reggie and michelle couldn't do it that fast! but i guess i was also eager to go home cos' only needed to do cip for 1 hour then can go! the librarian said she would call me when my cert was done. haha. i just can't wait for it.after i went home, i played the comp and then i went tampines to meet cheryl. we went for lunch, took neoprints and window shopped. then we went back to my house. then she went to play my piano. both of them in fact, my electric one and the straightback one. haha. then we played a little comp and now she has to go.tomorow need to take back results. i'm so damn scared! anyway, i have to see cheryl off liao so byes!-su rin
7:30 pm;
Still waiting for you-
just so you know, i've been spending my weekend trying to get away from my dad. no, not that kind of getaway, like i-don't-wanna-go-parkway-with-you-type. seriously though, i know my dad has all-my-best-interests-crap sometimes he is too.......................... overprotective. it's true. and abit weird too.he said it was ok for me to go orchard but no he didn't want me to go tampines cos' he didn't want me to "hang around shopping complexes". that is so crap. i mean, isn't being older supposed to get you more responsibility? i think my dad reversed that. as i get older, i have less responsibility. well, i guess partly because i lost my handphone last year. and his handphone charger and some money in beijing the year before. okay. so i may not be the most responsible girl on the planet. BUT i still know how to take care of myself. so i guess that counts for sth. tampines and parkway together are probably not as dangerous as orchard alone. like duh right? i think my sister has more responsibility than me. well, she is also more spoilt than me, so everyone says.i spent the whole entire weekend saying no to this and that and this and that. but eventually was forced to go along. to changi boardwalk. to cold storage. to the library. i so hate this.BUT at least he finally agreed to let me continue my piano lessons again. WOW. he took a whole one-and-a-half years to agree to that. why did i even agree to quit piano in the first place? right. psle. now my sister wants to learn guitar. according to reggie, we are supposedly going to learn the guitar next year in sec 2. so if it's true, why waste money now learning it when i am going to learn it next year anyway. fyi, i almost learnt the guitar. but thankfully went to learn the piano instead. i love my darling piano. but now, since i stopped taking piano, it's being less frequently used.my dad almost didn't want to start up the lessons again. you wanna know why? because he thinks that i can learn all the new pieces by myself if i got the notes. i can't even learn my dNt straight and he expects me to learn a whole entire song by myself?! what an outrage! though i did learn the intro to my heart will go on. i'm so proud of myself for that. (: but i can't be bothered to learn the rest. see? i can't even learn that pathetic song finish. ahhhhhhhhhhh.*sigh* kinda reminicsing [did i spell it correctly?] on the good old times now. the times in mcs. that was fun. to tell you the truth. i never knew real bitchiness until i came to kcp. like i didn't even know the meaning of that word until i was what? pri 5? up till now i still forget the meaning of some of the words. but kcp did have its fun times. like loads. in fact, it may have been hard to accept kcp as my new school, but i have never regretted it. i discovered my passion in kcp. my passion for singing and the choir. well, it may be because of natasha. yea. i wouldn't have joined choir if not for her. (:trying to find a new blogskin now actually. but none of the blogskins i've seen screams me. am i destined to me-less blogskins forever?-su rin
10:18 am;
Still waiting for you-
finally!!! the mid years are officially over!!! yayness!!! actually listening ended rather early, i think we were the first class to leave. (: true what. we were the only ppl there at least as far as i know.our invigilator was mrs lie. she's very nice actually. well, to me she's always very nice. just abit TOO holy. haha. mdm toh asked us to read the instructions. but they so dumb go and print it out in chinese and make until i don't understand. haha. l0lx.then after that, went back home with joey they all at like 8.10 [told you it was early] and we made plans for her to come my house to swim. then tried to call her but found out that she went out with her grandmother to tampines. i also found out that reggie went ice skating with cheryl and her sister + friends. reggie very bad, never invite me to come. i'm so sad. BOOHOO. like joking. haha. i'll probably go ice skating with filzah or someone else.swimming with joey was fun. (: we were swimming and talking and i think we swam for more than two hours! my hands got so pruney after that. haha. joey looks so girly with her swimming suit. a swimming shirt with flowers in front plus swimming pants. i bet amanda would laugh her head off if she sees joey dressed like that. i know i did. (: and joey looks more girly with her hair wet. i got blackmail photos. haha. i wonder what to do with them... hmm... show it to amanda of cos'! haha.daddy said that we were going out to eat. i want to eat at sakae sushi. no wait. i remember, we have vouchers for marche and it's expiring soon so i guess going there is fine too. except that it's too far away. haha.i can't wait for next week!!! results, choir and family day all in one week!!! haha. i don't think i did anything really useful for the class. i wonder when our class tshirt is coming out. the class tshirt is so cute man. rainbows and pink and clouds. haha. being lame now.daddy probably coming back anytime already anyways. so ciao!-su rin
6:35 pm;
Still waiting for you-
YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! finally. i finished all the exams BUT chinese listening. it's tomorow.kinda scared for chinese listening. i always sleep during listening, so yah. haha. i'm so bad. never concentrate. haha.so sian. tomorow last day of exam and i got nothing to do. *sigh* oral was ok. got the 1/3 teacher. she is very nice. =)) DnT was surprisingly easy. i was expecting some hard questions. haha.i actually met some other ppl from other choirs in singapore. haha. i don't get out much. l0lx. haha. i'm laughing in the rain. HAHA.today and yesterday so boring. yesterday stay home. watched teevee. played computer. went out to eat. played computer. watched teevee. studied. listened to my mp3. then sleeped. today. went to school. had dNt. laughed at mrs teo. had oral. waited for like half an hour but realised that joey left already so i went back with pandas choo and played computer.that was my boring day.-su rin
4:10 pm;
Still waiting for you-
yayness! only 3 more exams left. dnt, chinese oral and lc only... yay!!!today's geog was easier than i thought. like MUCH. haha. the hours i spent cramming last night wasn't really helpful cos' i didn't absorb anything at all. i think i can pass geog this term. it's the last exam for geog anyway.next term: history. yayness! i wonder if i need to take another geog test at the end of the year. i hope not. not another cramming session. pls NO. history is nice(: al though some ppl say that it's boring i still think it's nice. it's interesting anyway. WAY more interesting than geog anyway. how would it be useful to me? i sure don't want to be a geologist. like NO WAY.family day next week. how nice. my first one. will it be fun? my senior friend once remarked to me that i would hate family day, it doesn't sound so bad. DOES IT? i hope not. hehe. i forgot what we are doing already. OH GOD. i'm so blur. i'm in budget anyway. that has to count for sth.*sigh* today quite boring actually. after exam went 7eleven and took 31 with daphne, joey and virina. haha. actually the bus ride was fun. keep on laughing. then went home. had spaghetti for lunch which was so yuck. NEVER put herbs in with creamy mushroom sauce. eeeww. then watched abit of teevee and finally wrote this. so boring right? haha. yups. boring me.signing out,-su rin
12:43 pm;
Still waiting for you-
literature... a horrible subject... a subject in which i suck in...waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... so hard... i can't believe it... my hand so pain... i think i wrote the thing too short... i think mrs teo was lying when she said that never finish the lit test can still get a1... i finish already got uhh... a pass... so... now i gtg...╚§├¿σºô§ΩĪ≥Ö™... ok... i'm siao... go and type all these weird signs out...-su rin
2:46 pm;
Still waiting for you-
wah liao... karib so mean... set the maths paper so hard... i have no idea what the question was asking lorhx... so bad... then go and test the subjects i never learn and memorise...stupid cherl low... never wait with me for bus 31... it came only minutes of you leaving... *sobs* ... kk... this is lame... haha... stupid me... never go with mandas to seveneleven... then could have caught the next bus and no need to wait so long for stupid 14... okies... now i'm bored... mandas online now... cheryl too... byes... big smiles...-su rin
12:19 pm;
Still waiting for you-
looking for another blogskin again... poor cheryl forgot her username and is trying to retrieve it now... haha... oops... guess she's offline now... haha... maths is tomorow... wish me luck... can't be bothered to wish myself luck... haha-su rin
11:28 am;
Still waiting for you-
haha... i finally got this thing sorted out... put up several blog skins so now i choose this one... but then i still don't really like it that much... from 12pm until now which is like 4.30pm... *gasp* ... hope my parents don't know about this... haha... going to find for more skins now... hahax...byes...-su rin
4:30 pm;
Still waiting for you-
yayness!!! science is over... now got how many more to go huh??? i hate exam periods... it sucks... like totally... hmm... waaahhh... stoopid parents only let me go out once the whole entire june holidays if i don't pull my results up... sad... anyways... science is okkkkkkk i guess... joey is a bad bad girl... haha... want exams to be over next week... waaahhh... got so many presents must find for virina and fidelia... so sad...maths next so i'm gonna go study...byes!!!-su rin
12:02 pm;
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good times in australia...
wheee... finally got the hello and picasa thing sorted out... hahax... finally... haha... the collage of pictures on top is when i went to australia last year with my family... hahax... the moment cannot be prolonged any longer... have to go and study now... waaahhhh... okkkkkk...till we meet again...-su rin
5:22 pm;
Still waiting for you-
haha... i think i'm abit weird... day before exam and i'm doing this stupid thing... haha... no larh... tomorow science exam and i very nervous so i come and take break first... haha... too stressed out right now to do anything except this... haha... my brain overload liaox... haha... spent too much time already... so back to studying liaox... haix... so sian...-su rin
6:40 am;
Still waiting for you-