Friday, June 01, 2007

I like my life, thank you very much!

Apart from the fact that this holiday is going to be a REALLY, REALLY uneventful one.

Hey, that's awesome! I finally get some me time. Something I've never really gotten the past holidays :D

It's the first week of holidays and yet, I'm still not sick of sleeping the day away! This is like, the MAJOR make-up for the lost of sleep over the school term.

But of course, one is only human. And this human is feeling un-humanly guilty. Aw, what happened to the promises of exercising this holidays? Here's wishing that that will everrr happen! But no worries! Iwillgotothegymsomeday! And the beach! Will that be before or after I come back from holidaying?

MOVING ONNNN, the Midsummer's play was loves! I was influenced to be a bimbo after that. Well, Y2Y is sort of loves? Loved the new developments. Can't really say I love the people there wholeheartedly. I guess they're okayy? The whole thing that intrigues me is that most of them are ... BOYS! Omg, I sound like a psychotic maniac who hates the opposite sex (I can assure you I'm not, I just think it's nice when you have more female power on your side. GO GIRL POWER!). I don't exactly like Mr. Everyone-Listen-To-Me-Even-Though-I'm-Not-Your-Damn-Leader either, but he reminds me too much of my cousin for me to actually give a damn. Though I wonder if my cousin flirts like that? Probably. But that's disgusting to think about. HAHA! But it'll be damn funny if I were to witness say, my cousin trying to flirt with his crush? And to think Y2Y is basically the highlight of my holiday.

I'll do some life-altering stuff YET! Just you wait and see! While I revel and bask under the holiday sun. YAY!


9:36 pm;
Still waiting for you-
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

My mood seems to change with the weather. When skies are grey, my mood is grey; and I feel the best on sun-shiny days! I guess it's directly proportional to the weather! I've got to stop thinking about studies though. It's affecting my speech(:

And I have no idea why it's affecting me either. Sometimes I think I should slap myself. But I don't really think that is the root of my melancholy either. I think it's something much bigger that I cannot comprehend. Or I can but I refuse to accept? Somehow, I think friendship is just an excuse to feel melancholic. I feel the loss of something, I just can't figure out what. And I hate that feeling.

There is a solution to everything, I suppose; some we don't really want to consider. My solutions are always to get things off your chest first, talk a bunch of emotionally deep values, and then the real root of my problem will come out.

I suppose it really is true that it's the little things in life that can either make you or break you. Cause in the end, all we look at is the little things; people who look at the big picture are hard to find. Well, I suppose I also hate the idea of me supposing. I prefer to know solid hard facts. Maybe one day, I'll post my meaningful conversations up(:

As a friend told me once, "Or perhaps, no one can really see the true meaning of love any longer."


12:33 am;
Still waiting for you-
Friday, March 16, 2007

My my, I forgot I even had a blog for a while. But anyway, this blogger surely won't be pressured to update often seeing her busy schedule.

Recent events that occurred, or is going to occur, this year:
  1. Got kicked out of the Arena, truthfully? A relief. An end to the stress there.
  2. Got into Julia Gabriels, another bout of stress just as one ended. How sad.
  3. Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging Of Choirs, hopefully.
  4. Y2Y Network Debate Camp? Maybe, considering, don't mind.
  5. Officially gone insane with 9 subjects, or maybe 8?
  6. New laptops are the loves!

Then again, this is just the start of the year. Stress should get steadily piled up as the year progresses. In fact, I've already seen people working so hard on it. MY, STRESS MUCH?

Not to mention a sudden fetish for boys. Tsk. Whatever happened to the times of "I won't get a guy so soon"? Though I wouldn't mind someone to listen to me when I'm feeling alone. Then again, that's where the cell phone comes in. So does cell phone equate to boyfriend?

A sudden need for Panadol Menstrual? HAHA. Am I random or what?

I'm feeling so spoilt now. Lately, I've been getting everything I've wanted. So time to work hard and show that I'm deserving of all this? Maybe. Procrastinating. Probably never going to happen.


11:32 pm;
Still waiting for you-
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You'd think that since it's the holidays, I would have alot of free time right? Nope. Not a single thing. It's like June all over. I don't get much me time now. And how much I wish for it.
I guess, in a way, it's good too. I grow closer to other friends, affirming the support we give to one another. People from choir or debate. Our CCA friends, those who aren't supposed to be as close because they're not from our class. But then again, that thinking is stupid. CCA friends can be closer to you, because they're not as close. Perhaps you are comforted by the fact that they aren't close to your so-called close friends, and you can trust them not to spread.

"Proverbs are beautiful, isn't it? It's a little secret I carry because my other friends don't understand."

Our secret dreams and desires we tell them, merely because we know that our close friends do not approve of it or will make a mockery out of.

"My nickname hit close to the heart because I know deep down just how true it is."

In a way, CCA binds people of different statuses together. The lians, emos, goths; everyone, by their secret passion. But it's sad that people join CCA now to follow their friends and in the end, we are still as divided as ever. But then again, there is just a tiny shred of hope for us.

Oh it feels good to blog again after a one week hiatus. LOL. I contemplated on whether to delete this blog or not. For I saw no reason to keep it since nobody reads it and even in the event that they should, I have to choose words carefully so as to not stir up trouble.

pretentiously academian.


7:38 pm;
Still waiting for you-
Monday, November 06, 2006

We went to Mediacorp today to get our measurements done. I thought it was like super fun lah. HAHA. Especially when we sorted out dates. They were like December is the sacred month, teachers' only holiday. And I couldn't come for 90% of the December dates cause I would have been in Europe. Loyang and KC get on famously (according to Grong seeing the teachers interaction).

Speaking of Europe, I can't wait to go! WHOOTS. It'll be my first Christmas in a winter wonderland. And I shall sing carols at the top of my lungs and not care what their neighbours say. Sounds fun doesn't it?

But then I majorly embarrassed myself): I needed to make an eye appointment to check my eyesight once again and I rang up the National Skin Centre!!! It was so embarrasing lah.

Me: I would like to make an appointment to check my eyesight.
Lady: *not really listening* okay.
Me: My patient number is blahblahblah.
Lady: CHOW SU RIN is it?
Me: Yeah, I want to check my eye degree.
Lady: digri?
Me: Eye degree!
Lady: This is the National Skin Centre, cannot check here.
Me: *pauses for a second or two* OHMYGOD! I'm so sorry I called the wrong one.

But the lady could have been nice enough to tell me that I couldn't check my eyesight there in the first place! See what the standards of our service has been reduced to? Joking. But I finally got the right number in the end. So I'm gonna be blind for a day or so. HAHA! I need to put those stupid blinding eyedrop thingies. Tsk.

ooo... another excuse to spend money!


4:24 pm;
Still waiting for you-
Sunday, November 05, 2006

I was walking down Orchard with my Grandma yesterday and the various changes we've been through suddenly made its impact known. Where my Mom once used to take my Grandma's place, she would hold my hand and take care of me. But now, instead of my Grandma taking care of me, I took care of her instead. Grandma and I walking down in companiable silence, my only regret is that I couldn't wake up to go to church with her. I knew how much she wanted me to go. I promise myself that I would definitely go the next time(: I hope I will.

But it was my weekend away from practically everything. And that included the restrictions of my parents. HAHA. Even though my poor phone nearly got torn into two by my dear beloveds, at least I got to play with them. LOL. And I carried him! And fed him too! WHOOTS. I would post pictures but my Dad took the camera with him (and didn't even take any photos).

BUT I LOVE YI XUAN! He's the cutest(: and I go up to see him whenever I can. His sneezes are so cute! And I'm jealous cause his skin is so soft):

my beloved


11:18 pm;
Still waiting for you-
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

This is a joke, Mr Liew called practice a relaxed one today. I was practically living with my heart in my mouth! I was tensed up:( aye, but anyway a fruitful journey to Parkway before that. At least I got something out of it. Well, that and a bloated stomach. HEHE XD

Let's do it again on Thrusday! WHEEEEEEEE!

Then back to school. Tsk. Don't even have time to rest? But anyway, I'm looking forward to getting my booklist for next year(: I saw the Physics book, it's this thick *signals with hands*. Whoaa... I can't wait to study it? Nah uh.

Something must be wrong with me. Tsk.

coming back down from the ride.


7:10 pm;
Still waiting for you-

Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox. No ripping or plagarising is allowed.

Su Rin-

No one else but me.
<3 coffee and scribbling
pretentiously academian
Random spasms of laughter.
The darlings


May 2005
June 2005
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August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
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May 2006
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